Engine Type Series
  • PUK320G
  • PUK532AG
  • PUK10250AD
  • PUK18500D
  • TUK6120D
  • TUK80160D
  • TUK80250H
Check the item No. you interested to view their specification
PUK320G 3.0 230 / 8.1 1150 1 8 / 115 10 / 150 20 / 5 54 / 118 66x64x100 PUK3020GA
PUK532AG 5.5 420/ 15 .0 1370 2 8 / 115 10 / 150 30 / 8 82 / 183 106x54x74 PUK5532GA
PUK10250AD 10.5 1070 / 38.0 850 2 8 / 115 10 / 150 228 / 60 330 / 726 161x170x115 PUK105250DA
PUK18500D 18 1730 / 61.1 640 3 8 / 115 10 / 150 475 / 125 580 / 1276 201x80x145 PUK180500DA
TUK6120D 6.0 280 / 10.0 910 2 12 / 175 16 / 230 110 / 30 183 / 402 132x53x96 TUK60120DA
TUK80160D 8.0 560 / 20.0 910 3 12 / 175 16 / 230 155 / 40 244 / 537 155x58x106 TUK80160DA
TUK80250H 8.0 510 / 18.0 850 2 16 / 230 20 / 285 228 / 60 310 / 682 161x70x115 TUK80250HA

"G" model with gasoline engine type.

"D" model with diesel engine type.

Tank cap. is optional at customers request.


  • Specially designed for the place without electric power supply.
  • Vibration-free operation.
  • Easy to carry on transportation.


  • Air inflatable & heavy-duty wheels.
  • For farms and constructions.