The PUMA trademark is derived from the CEO's reading of Reader's Digest in 1966, which described: PUMA is the most agile, fast, and powerful animal.
When the company was founded in 1979, the trademark was designed as 。
Revised in 1986
In 1997, the double boomerang was added to emphasize the continuous improvement and continuous growth of PUMA, which has become our Quality Policy: Better than better!
Amended in 2000: PUMA change to strong and powerful font, and in order to unite employees, manufacturers, and customers, the four letters are linked together with the double boomerang
forming a new
2009 is PUMA’s 30th anniversary. After 30 years of improvement, the red triangle is added inside the A letter,
indicating our innovative and creative company culture.
Trademark amendments in 2019 On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the company, the company's diversified business philosophy is more manifested: cooperative production and sales, decent management. Motivated team to achieve the company's business vision: Where there is the sunshine, there is